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Should the US President's powers be expanded to include a line item veto?

Candidates' positions are categorized as Pro (Yes), Con (No), Not Clearly Pro or Con, or None Found.
Candidates who have changed their positions are listed as Now their most recent position.
(Candidates are listed in alphabetical order by party; black & white photos indicate candidates who have withdrawn or who no longer meet our criteria.)

Democratic Party (D)
  Obama, Barack
None Found
  Biden, Joe
(Withdrew on
Jan. 3, 2008)
None Found
  Clinton, Hillary
(Suspended campaign
on June 7, 2008)
None Found
  Dodd, Chris
(Withdrew on
Jan. 3, 2008)
None Found
  Edwards, John
(Withdrew on
Jan. 30, 2008)
None Found
  Kucinich, Dennis
(Withdrew on
Jan. 25, 2008)
None Found
  Richardson, Bill
(Withdrew on
Jan. 10, 2008)
None Found
  Vilsack, Tom
(Withdrew on
Feb. 23, 2007)
None Found
Republican Party (R)
  McCain, John
  Brownback, Sam
(Withdrew on
Oct. 19, 2007)
None Found
  Gilmore, Jim
(Withdrew on
July 14, 2007)
None Found
  Giuliani, Rudy
(Withdrew on
Jan. 30, 2008)
None Found
  Huckabee, Mike
(Withdrew on
Mar. 4, 2008)
  Hunter, Duncan
(Withdrew on
Jan. 19, 2008)
None Found
  Paul, Ron
(Withdrew on
June 12, 2008)
  Romney, Mitt
(Withdrew on
Feb. 7, 2008)
None Found
  Tancredo, Tom
(Withdrew on
Dec. 20, 2007)
None Found
  Thompson, Fred
(Withdrew on
Jan. 22, 2008)
None Found
  Thompson, Tommy
(Withdrew on
Aug. 12, 2007)
None Found
3rd Parties / Independents (3rd/I)
 Baldwin, Chuck
 Barr, Bob
None Found
 McKinney, Cynthia
 Nader, Ralph
None Found
  Gravel, Mike
(Withdrew on
May 27, 2008)
  Imperato, Daniel
(No longer met criteria
on Mar. 21, 2008)
None Found
  Keyes, Alan
(No longer met criteria
on June 23, 2008)
None Found
  Kubby, Steve
(No longer met criteria
on Mar. 21, 2008)
  McEnulty, Frank
(No longer met criteria
on Mar. 21, 2008)
  Smith, Christine
(No longer met criteria
on Mar. 21, 2008)
Additional Resources:

  1. Read what the line item veto is in our Glossary.

1. Legal option
2. Parental consent
3. Honesty vs. competence
4. Threat to US?
5. Human rights

Criminal Justice
6. Felon voting
7. Rehab vs. incarceration
8. Embargo
9. Genocide

Death Penalty
10. Legal option

11. Missile defense shield

District of Columbia
12. Statehood

13. Outsourcing jobs
14. Free trade regulations

16. No Child Left Behind
17. Increasing costs
18. School vouchers
19. Abstinence only

Election Reform
20. Paper trails
21. Campaign contributions
22. Public financing

Eminent Domain
23. Non-public use

24. ANWR drilling
25. Price of US gasoline

26. International agreements
27. Fuel efficiency
28. Global climate change

Gun Control
29. Federal regulations

Health Care
30. Subsidized care
31. Prescription options
32. Fast food and obesity

33. Net impact on economy
34. Rights and benefits
35. US-Mexico fence

36. US military force

Iraq War
37. Was the attack a mistake?
38. Is America safer?
39. Withdrawal timetable

40. Military and economic aid

Israeli-Palestinian conflict
41. Hamas
42. Palestine

43. Independence

44. Constitutional amendment
45. Infidelity

46. Protecting sources

Medical Marijuana
47. Legalization
48. Raids

National ID
49. National ID card

National Service
50. Draft
51. Gays in the military
52. Mandatory service

Presidential Power
53. Line item veto
54. Unitary executive theory

55. Faith-based funding
56. Importance to voters

Social Security
57. Privatizing

Stem Cells
58. Federal funding

59. Bush tax cuts

60. Entering Iraq

US Constitution
61. Alteration

War on Terror
62. Waterboarding
63. Guantanamo Bay
65. Warrantless wiretapping

Should the US President's powers be expanded to include a line item veto?

Candidates are listed in alphabetical order. Positions are categorized as Pro (Yes), Con (No), Not Clearly Pro or Con, or None Found.
Candidates who have withdrawn or who no longer meet our criteria are listed last.

   Pro (Yes)    Con (No)

   Baldwin, Chuck (Cst) - Con

Chuck Baldwin, Founder and Minister of the Crossroad Baptist Church in Pensacola, FL, issued the following statement through his Communications Director, Mary Starrett, in an Aug. 11, 2008 email to

"Absolutely not. Giving the President such authority would transfer to the Executive Branch significant control over the budget process, which is supposed to be predominately under the direction of the Legislative Branch."
Aug. 11, 2008 Chuck Baldwin

         Barr, Bob (Lib) - None Found emailed the Barr campaign on July 19, 2008 with this question. We had not received a reply or found a position as of Aug. 19, 2008.

   McCain, John (R) - Pro

John McCain, US Senator (R-AZ), stated in an Oct. 9, 2007 article titled "John McCain's Post-Debate Interview On CNBC" on his official candidate website:

"I was one of the prime sponsors of the line-item veto. It was declared unconstitutional because of the way it was written. It is not unconstitutional in the way we are writing it now. ... The fact is 43 governors have a line-item veto. We've got to have the line-item veto. Ronald Reagan wanted it, everybody wants it, it has got to be done, otherwise we're not going to eliminate these pork barrel projects. You've seen the smoke and mirrors that is going on right now on earmarks. Look, the line-item veto can be and should be constitutional and there's a way to phrase it and there's a way to do it ... we can write it so it's constitutional. It is a vital tool and ... I was one of the prime sponsors of the line item veto when we passed it."
Oct. 9, 2007 John McCain

   McKinney, Cynthia (Grn) - Con

Cynthia McKinney, former US House Representative (D-GA), according to the Library of Congress: THOMAS website on June 22, 2006 voted No on "H.R.4890":

"Legislative Line Item Veto Act of 2006 - (Sec. 2) Amends the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974 to authorize the President to propose the cancellation (line item veto) of any dollar amount of discretionary budget authority, item of direct spending, or targeted tax benefit within 45 days after its enactment."
June 22, 2006 Cynthia McKinney

    Nader, Ralph (Ind) - None Found emailed the Nader campaign on Mar. 26, 2008 with this question. We had not received a reply or found a position as of Apr. 11, 2008.

     Obama, Barack (D) - None Found emailed the Obama campaign on Feb. 22, 2008 with this question. We had not received a reply or found a position as of Mar. 12, 2008.

     Biden, Joe (D) - None Found  
Withdrew on Jan. 3, 2008; no position found as of that date

     Brownback, Sam (R) - None Found  
Withdrew on Oct. 19, 2007; no position found as of that date

    Clinton, Hillary (D) - None Found emailed the Clinton campaign on Feb. 22, 2008 with this question. We had not received a reply or found a position as of Mar. 12, 2008.


     Dodd, Chris (D) - None Found  
Withdrew on Jan. 3, 2008; no position found as of that date

     Edwards, John (D) - None Found  
Withdrew on Jan. 30, 2008; no position found as of that date

     Gilmore, Jim (R) - None Found  
Withdrew on Aug. 14, 2007; no position found as of that date

     Giuliani, Rudy (R) - None Found  
Withdrew on Jan. 30, 2008; no position found as of that date

   Gravel, Mike (Lib) - Pro

Mike Gravel, former US Senator (D-AK), at the June 3, 2007 Democratic Presidential Debate in Manchester, NH, stated:

"Vaughn [Ververs]: ...Democrats have vowed to weed out corruption in the federal government. A major source of corruption for both Democrats and Republicans are bribes in spending bills, sometimes referred to as earmarks. Would you vow, if elected president, to veto all bills containing earmarks?...

[Mike] Gravel: Totally, totally. It's abominable, and the only way you're going to get rid of it is to give the president the line-item veto. Of course, they're not going to give the president a line-item veto..."
June 3, 2007 Mike Gravel

   Huckabee, Mike (R) - Pro

Mike Huckabee, former Governor of Arkansas, stated in an article titled "Issues: Taxes/Economy" on his official candidate website (accessed Feb. 26, 2008):

"I believe that our massive deficit is not due to Americans' being under-taxed, but due to the federal government's over-spending. Achieving and maintaining a balanced federal budget is an important and worthy goal necessary to our long-term economic well-being. To achieve a balanced federal budget, I believe the President should have the line-item veto."
Feb. 26, 2008 Mike Huckabee

     Hunter, Duncan (R) - None Found  
Withdrew on Jan. 19, 2008; no position found as of that date

       Imperato, Daniel (3rd/I) - None Found emailed the Imperato campaign on Feb. 22, 2008 with this question. Mr. Imperato provided a response to this question and 26 others during a recorded 45-minute telephone interview with on Mar. 11, 2008. On Mar. 21, 2008 Mr. Imperato no longer met our eligibility criteria for inclusion on this site, and we stopped transcribing his verbal responses as of that date.


    Keyes, Alan (Ind) - None Found emailed the Keyes campaign on Mar. 26, 2008 with this question. We had not received a reply or found a position as of Apr. 11, 2008.


   Kubby, Steve (3rd/I) - Con

Steve Kubby, a Libertarian candidate and founder of the American Medical Marijuana Association, stated in a Feb. 22, 2008 email to

"No. The line item veto isn't a silver bullet -- it's a substitute for taking responsibility and putting a stop to the nonsense. If Congress is unwilling or unable to discipline itself, I'll happily veto every bill that comes to my desk encrusted with pork earmarks, poison pills and other gimmicks. Presidents have plenty of power already. What they lack is political courage."
Feb. 22, 2008 Steve Kubby

     Kucinich, Dennis (D) - None Found  
Withdrew on Jan. 25, 2008; no position found as of that date

   McEnulty, Frank (3rd/I) - Pro

Frank McEnulty, President of Our Castle Homes, in a Feb. 28, 2008 email to, stated:

"Yes, it is the only way we will ever get back to balanced budgets and will make the process of developing bills more rational by taking out all the added extras that are piled on these days. Almost all bills passed these days are padded with dozens of extra items that have no business being on the bills they are being added onto. If the President had line item veto power, these optional extras would have to be submitted as independent bills and shown for what they truly are - pork and payoffs to special interest groups - making them a lot less likely to get passed and making our legislative process a great deal more rational."
Feb. 28, 2008 Frank McEnulty

   Paul, Ron (R) - Con

Ron Paul, US Representative (R-TX), stated in an Aug. 12, 1997 press release titled "Paul Calls Line-Item Veto Unconstitutional" on his US Congress website:

"The Constitution is very clear in defining how the legislative process is to work, and the line-item veto is clearly a violation of that process...

The direction this newly-created power takes us is 180-degrees off base; it is completely misguided and will further undermine the Constitution. The line-item veto consolidates too much power in the hands of the President, giving him unlimited power to re-craft legislation to his liking. The Constitution makes it clear that the president is only allowed to approve or disapprove entire pieces of legislation. The line-item veto opens the door for a president to do much more."
Aug. 12, 1997 Ron Paul

     Richardson, Bill (D) - None Found  
Withdrew on Jan. 10, 2008; no position found as of that date

     Romney, Mitt (R) - None Found  
Withdrew on Feb. 7, 2008; no position found as of that date

   Smith, Christine (3rd/I) - Con

Christine Smith, a Libertarian candidate and a social and political activist, stated in a Feb. 27, 2008 email to

Feb. 27, 2008 Christine Smith

     Tancredo, Tom (R) - None Found  
Withdrew on Dec. 20, 2007; no position found as of that date

     Thompson, Fred (R) - None Found  
Withdrew on Jan. 22, 2008; no position found as of that date

     Thompson, Tommy (R) - None Found  
Withdrew on Sep. 12, 2007; no position found as of that date

     Vilsack, Tom (D) - None Found  
Withdrew on Feb. 23, 2007; no position found as of that date