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Should there be an independent Palestinian state?

Candidates' positions are categorized as Pro (Yes), Con (No), Not Clearly Pro or Con, or None Found.
Candidates who have changed their positions are listed as Now their most recent position.
(Candidates are listed in alphabetical order by party; black & white photos indicate candidates who have withdrawn or who no longer meet our criteria.)

Democratic Party (D)
  Obama, Barack
  Biden, Joe
(Withdrew on
Jan. 3, 2008)
None Found
  Clinton, Hillary
(Suspended campaign
on June 7, 2008)
  Dodd, Chris
(Withdrew on
Jan. 3, 2008)
None Found
  Edwards, John
(Withdrew on
Jan. 30, 2008)
None Found
  Kucinich, Dennis
(Withdrew on
Jan. 25, 2008)
None Found
  Richardson, Bill
(Withdrew on
Jan. 10, 2008)
None Found
  Vilsack, Tom
(Withdrew on
Feb. 23, 2007)
None Found
Republican Party (R)
  McCain, John
Not Clearly Pro or Con
  Brownback, Sam
(Withdrew on
Oct. 19, 2007)
None Found
  Gilmore, Jim
(Withdrew on
July 14, 2007)
None Found
  Giuliani, Rudy
(Withdrew on
Jan. 30, 2008)
None Found
  Huckabee, Mike
(Withdrew on
Mar. 4, 2008)
Not Clearly Pro or Con
  Hunter, Duncan
(Withdrew on
Jan. 19, 2008)
None Found
  Paul, Ron
(Withdrew on
June 12, 2008)
Not Clearly Pro or Con
  Romney, Mitt
(Withdrew on
Feb. 7, 2008)
None Found
  Tancredo, Tom
(Withdrew on
Dec. 20, 2007)
None Found
  Thompson, Fred
(Withdrew on
Jan. 22, 2008)
None Found
  Thompson, Tommy
(Withdrew on
Aug. 12, 2007)
None Found
3rd Parties / Independents (3rd/I)
 Baldwin, Chuck
Not Clearly Pro or Con
 Barr, Bob
None Found
 McKinney, Cynthia
Not Clearly Pro or Con
 Nader, Ralph
  Gravel, Mike
(Withdrew on
May 27, 2008)
  Imperato, Daniel
(No longer met criteria
on Mar. 21, 2008)
None Found
  Keyes, Alan
(No longer met criteria
on June 23, 2008)
  Kubby, Steve
(No longer met criteria
on Mar. 21, 2008)
Not Clearly Pro or Con
  McEnulty, Frank
(No longer met criteria
on Mar. 21, 2008)
  Smith, Christine
(No longer met criteria
on Mar. 21, 2008)
Additional Resources:

  1. Should the US allow Hamas to join future Israeli-Palestinian negotiations? - We asked the 2008 presidential candidates this question. Read their pro and con responses.
  2. Should Israel continue to receive the current level of military and economic aid from the US? - Read the canidates' pro and con responses to this education question.
  3. What are the solutions to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict? - See our website with 250+ questions and 300+ biographies related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

1. Legal option
2. Parental consent
3. Honesty vs. competence
4. Threat to US?
5. Human rights

Criminal Justice
6. Felon voting
7. Rehab vs. incarceration
8. Embargo
9. Genocide

Death Penalty
10. Legal option

11. Missile defense shield

District of Columbia
12. Statehood

13. Outsourcing jobs
14. Free trade regulations

16. No Child Left Behind
17. Increasing costs
18. School vouchers
19. Abstinence only

Election Reform
20. Paper trails
21. Campaign contributions
22. Public financing

Eminent Domain
23. Non-public use

24. ANWR drilling
25. Price of US gasoline

26. International agreements
27. Fuel efficiency
28. Global climate change

Gun Control
29. Federal regulations

Health Care
30. Subsidized care
31. Prescription options
32. Fast food and obesity

33. Net impact on economy
34. Rights and benefits
35. US-Mexico fence

36. US military force

Iraq War
37. Was the attack a mistake?
38. Is America safer?
39. Withdrawal timetable

40. Military and economic aid

Israeli-Palestinian conflict
41. Hamas
42. Palestine

43. Independence

44. Constitutional amendment
45. Infidelity

46. Protecting sources

Medical Marijuana
47. Legalization
48. Raids

National ID
49. National ID card

National Service
50. Draft
51. Gays in the military
52. Mandatory service

Presidential Power
53. Line item veto
54. Unitary executive theory

55. Faith-based funding
56. Importance to voters

Social Security
57. Privatizing

Stem Cells
58. Federal funding

59. Bush tax cuts

60. Entering Iraq

US Constitution
61. Alteration

War on Terror
62. Waterboarding
63. Guantanamo Bay
65. Warrantless wiretapping

Should there be an independent Palestinian state?

Candidates are listed in alphabetical order. Positions are categorized as Pro (Yes), Con (No), Not Clearly Pro or Con, or None Found.
Candidates who have withdrawn or who no longer meet our criteria are listed last.

   Pro (Yes)    Con (No)

     Baldwin, Chuck (Cst) - Not Clearly Pro or Con

Chuck Baldwin, Founder and Minister of the Crossroad Baptist Church in Pensacola, FL, issued the following statement through his Communications Director, Mary Starrett, in an Aug. 11, 2008 email to

"The US should not be involved or determining negotiations between foreign governments or organizations. We must disengage this nation from the international entanglements which generate foreign hatred of these United States, and are used as the excuse for terrorist attacks on America and its people."
Aug. 11, 2008 Chuck Baldwin

        Barr, Bob (Lib) - None Found emailed the Barr campaign on July 22, 2008 with this question. We had not received a reply or found a position as of Aug. 22, 2008.

         McCain, John (R) - Not Clearly Pro or Con

John McCain, US Senator (R-AZ), stated in a May 9, 2002 speech at the American Jewish Committee Annual Meeting:

"Palestinian statehood has significant international support, and it is an objective our President supports. But we will do the Palestinian people no favors if Palestinian statehood merely replaces the corrupt, strongman rule of the Palestinian Authority with the corrupt, strongman rule of another Arab dictatorship in Palestine. The Palestinian people deserve better than that. The international community must leverage the unique role it has played in the debate over Palestinian statehood to ensure that any Palestinian state that does emerge is accountable and representative, with power broadly based and with unified police and military forces that are accountable to an elected leader, who will in turn be accountable to the international community, whose financial support will sustain the Palestinian state."
May 9, 2002 John McCain

         McKinney, Cynthia (Grn) - Not Clearly Pro or Con

Cynthia McKinney, former US House Representative (D-GA), stated at the Jan. 13, 2008 Green Presidential Debate held in San Francisco, CA:

"In terms of a two-state solution, there are some who advocate two-state, some who advocate one-state, and folks just being able to live together. I would listen to the voices that are there and I would strip away the influence of the AIPAC, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, and listen to those human rights advocates who are there."
Jan. 13, 2008 Cynthia McKinney

   Nader, Ralph (Ind) - Pro

Ralph Nader, attorney, author, and political activist, stated in an Apr. 10, 2002 article titled "Ralph Nader Believes in You" in Flagpole:

"[Flagpole]: What should happen to bring stability to the Middle East?

[Ralph Nader]: A Palestinian state, East Jerusalem as the capital, no colonies, some restitution for land and homes taken."
Apr. 10, 2002 Ralph Nader

   Obama, Barack (D) - Pro

Barack Obama, US Senator (D-IL), in an article titled "Foreign Policy" on his official candidate website (accessed Feb. 22, 2008), stated:

"Obama will make progress on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict a key diplomatic priority. He will make a sustained push ? working with Israelis and Palestinians ? to achieve the goal of two states, a Jewish state in Israel and a Palestinian state, living side by side in peace and security."
Feb. 22, 2008 Barack Obama

     Biden, Joe (D) - None Found  
Withdrew on Jan. 3, 2008; no position found as of that date

     Brownback, Sam (R) - None Found  
Withdrew on Oct. 19, 2007; no position found as of that date

   Clinton, Hillary (D) - Pro

Hillary Clinton, US Senator (D-NY), stated in a May 6, 1998 article titled "Hillary Clinton: Eventual Palestinian State Important for Mideast Peace" on the US Embassy, Tel Aviv website:

"I think that it will be in the long term interests of the Middle East for Palestine to be a state, and for it to be a state that is responsible for its citizens' well-being, a state that has responsibility for providing education and health care and economic opportunity to its citizens, a state that has to accept the responsibility of governing...I think that is very important for the Palestinian people, but I also think it is very important for the broader goal of peace in the Middle East."
May 6, 1998 Hillary Clinton

     Dodd, Chris (D) - None Found  
Withdrew on Jan. 3, 2008; no position found as of that date

     Edwards, John (D) - None Found  
Withdrew on Jan. 30, 2008; no position found as of that date

     Gilmore, Jim (R) - None Found  
Withdrew on Aug. 14, 2007; no position found as of that date

     Giuliani, Rudy (R) - None Found  
Withdrew on Jan. 30, 2008; no position found as of that date

   Gravel, Mike (Lib) - Pro

Mike Gravel, former US Senator (D-AK), in a Nov. 2, 2006 article titled "Stepping Back from Imperialism: Redirecting American Foreign Policy" on his official candidate website, stated:

"The linchpin to long-term stability in the Middle East is the settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian impasse. The US, along with its European and Asian allies, and regional players (to include Turkey, Egypt, Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia and Jordan under the auspices of the United Nations) must sponsor direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, including Hamas. The negotiations, with the goal of a two-state solution, must be scheduled as soon as possible."
Nov. 2, 2006 Mike Gravel

     Huckabee, Mike (R) - Not Clearly Pro or Con

Mike Huckabee, former Governor of Arkansas, stated on Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer on Nov. 25, 2007:

"[Wolf] Blitzer: ...[D]o you support what's called a two-state solution, Israel and Palestine side by side, as President Bush says he supports?

[Mike] Huckabee: Well, I would want to see where that side-by-side exists, Wolf, because if you do something that puts the Israelis in a position of ultimate vulnerability, that may not be a healthy solution.

You've got to realize that there are people in that region who have stated that their primary purpose is to annihilate Israel, to do away with them. And if you surround them by hostility and give them very little room in which to maneuver, you may not have created anything other than a very, very temporary peace, but for a long-term disaster.

Blitzer: So I guess you're not ready to endorse what is called a two-state solution yet?

Huckabee: Not until you see where those two states are going to be located and whether or not there is going to be some guarantee of security and concessions on the part of the nations that would surround Israel. And the Israelis would have to be comfortable with it, otherwise it's not going to be something that I think they could live with."
Nov. 25, 2007 Mike Huckabee

     Hunter, Duncan (R) - None Found  
Withdrew on Jan. 19, 2008; no position found as of that date

     Imperato, Daniel (3rd/I) - None Found emailed the Imperato campaign on Jan. 21, 2008 with this question. Mr. Imperato provided a response to this question and 26 others during a recorded 45-minute telephone interview with on Mar. 11, 2008. On Mar. 21, 2008 Mr. Imperato no longer met our eligibility criteria for inclusion on this site, and we stopped transcribing his verbal responses as of that date.


   Keyes, Alan (Ind) - Con

Alan Keyes, former Assistant US Secretary of State, stated in an Oct. 14, 2003 article titled "Ambassador Alan Keyes: Keynote Address" on the Jerusalum Summit website:

"Well, if we take that at face value, and we see it from the point of view from those who were doing the dancing, how would you then interpret the events of the couple of years since September 11 - the years when we have seen war, when we have seen, in point of fact, that in a formal way, a major shift occurred in the declared policy of the United States Government and that formal policy shifted in such a way as to accept as the legitimate basis for further progress - to formally accept - the idea of a Palestinian state on the West Bank, which had not been done before. I think one could seriously argue that that looks like a concession to terror."
Oct. 14, 2003 Alan Keyes

     Kubby, Steve (3rd/I) - Not Clearly Pro or Con

Steve Kubby, a Libertarian candidate and founder of the American Medical Marijuana Association, stated in a Feb. 22, 2008 email to

"I believe that the Palestinian Arabs should determine their own destiny. I'd like to see them do so in a way that puts them in peaceful co-existence with the Israeli people. Whether that means an independent state or not isn't our decision to make -- it's theirs. The object of US foreign policy should be 'friendship and commerce with all nations, entangling alliances with none.' We need to butt out of the Arab-Israeli conflict."
Feb. 22, 2008 Steve Kubby

     Kucinich, Dennis (D) - None Found  
Withdrew on Jan. 25, 2008; no position found as of that date

   McEnulty, Frank (3rd/I) - Pro

Frank McEnulty, President of Our Castle Homes, in a Feb. 28, 2008 email to, stated:

"Yes, as long as they fully recognize Israel's right to exist and they cease their constant attempts to kill Israelis and drive the Israelis from Israel. No country should be allowed to come into existence that has as one of its major underpinnings the desire to see another country destroyed."
Feb. 28, 2008 Frank McEnulty

     Paul, Ron (R) - Not Clearly Pro or Con

Ron Paul, US Representative (R-TX), stated in a Nov. 15, 2004 article titled "The Middle East Quaqmire" on his US Congress website:

"America can and should use every diplomatic means at our disposal to end the violence in the West Bank, but we should draw the line at any further entanglement. Third-party outsiders cannot impose political solutions in Palestine or anywhere else...

Respect for self-determination really is the cornerstone of a sensible foreign policy, yet many Americans who strongly support US sovereignty advocate interventionist policies that deny other nations that same right. The interventionist approach that has dominated American foreign policy since World War I has produced an unmitigated series of disasters."
Nov. 15, 2004 Ron Paul

     Richardson, Bill (D) - None Found  
Withdrew on Jan. 10, 2008; no position found as of that date

     Romney, Mitt (R) - None Found  
Withdrew on Feb. 7, 2008; no position found as of that date

   Smith, Christine (3rd/I) - Pro

Christine Smith, a Libertarian candidate and a social and political activist, stated in a Feb. 27, 2008 email to

"Yes...I am for the US government ceasing all interference in the conflict. Our nation's resources should be used for neither side of the conflict."
Feb. 27, 2008 Christine Smith

     Tancredo, Tom (R) - None Found  
Withdrew on Dec. 20, 2007; no position found as of that date

     Thompson, Fred (R) - None Found  
Withdrew on Jan. 22, 2008; no position found as of that date

     Thompson, Tommy (R) - None Found  
Withdrew on Sep. 12, 2007; no position found as of that date

     Vilsack, Tom (D) - None Found  
Withdrew on Feb. 23, 2007; no position found as of that date