Con: "I believe abortion is America's national holocaust. It is the deliberate killing of innocent human life. Furthermore, it is absolutely disgraceful that while the so-called "pro-life" Republican Party controlled the entire federal government from 2000 to 2006, they did nothing to overturn Roe v. Wade and end legalized abortion."
"Strictly Personal,", May 9, 2008
Not Clearly Pro or Con: "The U.S. should terminate most-favored-nation (PNTR) status for Communist China, and discontinue technology transfers to the Beijing regime."
Email to from Chuck Baldwin's Communications Director, Mary Starrett, on Aug. 11, 2008
Not Clearly Pro or Con: "The nature of the crime of which the felon was committed should be taken into consideration in determining whether a particular felon should be allowed to vote in elections. This is a matter to be determined at the state level, not by the Federal government."
Email to from Chuck Baldwin's Communications Director, Mary Starrett, on Aug. 18, 2008
Pro: "Yes, especially at a time when Moscow is using Cuba as a footstool to taunt the United States, we should do all we can to maintain and enhance the pressure on the Cuba regime."
Email to from Chuck Baldwin's Communications Director, Mary Starrett, on Aug. 11, 2008
Con: "We would support and encourage all private citizens and private humanitarian aid to work to change the situation in the Darfur region.
These United States is [sic] properly a free and sovereign republic which should strive to live in peace with all nations, without interfering in their internal affairs, and without permitting their interference in ours. We are, therefore, unalterably opposed to entangling alliances - via treaties, or any other form of commitment - which compromise our national sovereignty, or commit us to intervention in foreign wars.
Also, the Constitution Party would "call upon the President, and Congress, to terminate United States membership in the United Nations, and its subsidiary organizations, and terminate U.S. participation in all so-called U.N. peace keeping operations."
Email to from Chuck Baldwin's Communications Director, Mary Starrett, on Aug. 11, 2008
Pro: "The Supreme Court should in no way interfere with the ability of the duty of the states to impose the death penalty in appropriate circumstances. At the Federal level, the government has usurped responsibility in the criminal justice area. It was recognized in the early days of our republic when there were only three crimes subject to Federal jurisdiction; piracy, counterfeiting, and treason. That has now increased to some 4,450 crimes. We should go back to the original limit."
Email to from Chuck Baldwin's Communications Director, Mary Starrett, on Aug. 11, 2008
Con: "Talented professionals should have their best opportunities for employment within the United States. If the Federal government limited its activities and expenditures to those which are Constitutionally permissible, the outsourcing of jobs and businesses would cease to be the problem which it has become."
Email to from Chuck Baldwin's Communications Director, Mary Starrett, on Aug. 11, 2008
Con: "Chuck Baldwin as president would 'immediately commence a systematic withdrawal from these treaties and agreements, each of which holds the potential to plunge America into war in some far-flung corner of the earth.' The US would no longer be involved in any free trade agreements, so would not mandate any regulations for foreign countries."
Email to from Chuck Baldwin's Communications Director, Mary Starrett, on Aug. 11, 2008
Con: "We favor the abolition of the Office of Special Trade Representative, and insist on the withdrawal of these United States from the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), the World Trade Organization (WTO), and all other agreements wherein agencies other than the Congress of these United States improperly assume responsibility for establishing American trade policies."
Email to from Chuck Baldwin's Communications Director, Mary Starrett, on Aug. 11, 2008
"Should the federal government bail out failing US private corporations like it did with Bear Stearns or Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac at taxpayers expense?"
Con: "At the time of this writing, the U.S. House and Senate are poised to pass a $700 billion bailout to Wall Street. At the behest of President George W. Bush, the U.S. taxpayers are going to be on the hook for what can only be referred to as the biggest fraud in U.S. history...
Bear Stearns was awarded a $29 billion bailout, followed quickly by the bailout of Freddie and Fannie that will cost the taxpayers up to $200 billion...
I say, No amnesty for Wall Street...Instead of sending these banksters on extended vacations to the Bahamas with millions of taxpayer dollars in their pockets, we should be sending them straight to jail!"
"No Amnesty for Wall Street,", Sep. 26, 2008
None Found: emailed the Baldwin campaign on Oct. 29, 2008 with this question. We had not received a reply or found a position as of Oct. 31, 2008.
Con: "The Department of Education of course is a monstrosity that was created back in Jimmy Carter's administration as a payoff, literally, to the teacher's union for support. Of course, just recently under President Bush, who collaborated with Ted Kennedy, they put together the No Child Left Behind Act which gave the Department of Education more power and more authority over education than had ever been known before in this country... Again, the Department of Education is one of those departments that when I become president will no longer exist...
If the federal intrusion into education worked as they said it would work, then why are we slipping every year it seems, further and further down on the competence level when you compare our test scores to the other industrialized nations of the world. Now if federal dollars was the answer, if federal involvement was the answer, then this would not be happening. This dumbing down would not be occurring, and the falling behind in education would not be happening. The fact that it is happening is a testament to the reality of the situation, which is that the more the federal government gets involved in education the worse education becomes."
Email to from Chuck Baldwin's Communications Director, Mary Starrett, on Aug. 11, 2008
Not Clearly Pro or Con: "One way to reduce the economic burden on American students is to stop giving tuition advantages to illegal aliens and the children of illegal aliens."
Email to from Chuck Baldwin's Communications Director, Mary Starrett, on Aug. 11, 2008
Con: "No. We call for a repeal of all federal campaign finance laws (i.e. McCain-Feingold) due to their violation of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution."
Email to from Chuck Baldwin's Communications Director, Mary Starrett, on Aug. 11, 2008
Con: "The Fifth Amendment of the United States Constitution limits the federal power of eminent domain solely to the purchase of private property with just compensation for public use, such as military reservations and government office buildings - not for public ownership, such as urban renewal, environmental protection, or historic preservation."
Email to from Chuck Baldwin's Communications Director, Mary Starrett, on Aug. 11, 2008
Pro: "We call attention to the continuing need of these United States for a sufficient supply of energy for national security and for the immediate adoption of a policy of free market solutions to achieve energy independence for these United States. We call for abolishing the Department of Energy...
...If I become President of these United States, we will see to it that the Department of Energy will be eviscerated. Ending the Department of Energy will take the Federal government out of the oil business, out of the energy business. We will untap vast reserves that reside under soil of Alaska... We do not need OPEC[Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries]... We can, simply by getting the government out of the way, have resurgence, a surplus of energy in this country."
Email to from Chuck Baldwin's Communications Director, Mary Starrett, on Aug. 11, 2008
Not Clearly Pro or Con: "There is absolutely no reason for us to be dependent upon OPEC. There is enough gas and oil under the soil of Alaska (not to mention the Dakotas and the Gulf of Mexico) to meet the energy needs of the United States for the next 150-200 years. There is also no reason that gas should cost more than $1.50 a gallon (which is about what it was before Bush became President).
We must begin drilling for the domestic oil that we know exists; we must build more refineries and nuclear power plants."
"If I Were President,", May 2, 2008
Con: "We oppose environmental treaties and conventions such as the Biodiversity Treaty, the Convention on Climate Control, and Agenda 21, which destroy our sovereignty and right to private property."
Email to from Chuck Baldwin's Communications Director, Mary Starrett, on Aug. 11, 2008
Con: "No, not any more than humans have been responsible for climate change, back and forth, up and down, cold and hot, during the many centuries in which such changes have occurred."
Email to from Chuck Baldwin's Communications Director, Mary Starrett, on Aug. 11, 2008
Con: "We oppose attempts to prohibit ownership of guns by law-abiding citizens, and stand against all laws which would require the registration of guns or ammunition... We call for the repeal of all federal firearms legislation, beginning with Federal Firearms Act of 1968."
Email to from Chuck Baldwin's Communications Director, Mary Starrett, on Aug. 11, 2008
Con: "The federal government has no Constitutional provision to regulate or restrict the freedom of the people to have access to medical care, supplies or treatments."
Email to from Chuck Baldwin's Communications Director, Mary Starrett, on Aug. 11, 2008
Con: "Con, in the same way automobile manufacturers aren't responsible for those who drive while impaired and kill people. Fast food is a commodity that, while not the centerpiece of a healthful diet and while not the best and most nutritious fare, in moderation, and as part of a healthful diet coupled with exercise does not lead to obesity in and of itself.
People are responsible for what they choose to eat, and how much they choose to eat/ Fast food on a regular basis can lead to obesity, but that does not call for government intervention and watchdog meddling."
Email to from Chuck Baldwin's Communications Director, Mary Starrett, on Aug. 15, 2008
Con: "These immigrants - including illegal aliens - have been made eligible for various kinds of public assistance, including housing, education, Social Security, and legal services. This unconstitutional drain on the federal Treasury is having a severe and adverse impact on our economy, increasing the cost of government at federal, state, and local levels, adding to the tax burden, and stressing the fabric of society... We oppose the provision of welfare subsidies and other taxpayer-supported benefits to illegal aliens."
Email to from Chuck Baldwin's Communications Director, Mary Starrett, on Aug. 11, 2008
Not Clearly Pro or Con: "The United States should not be involved in another governments' affairs, but primarily in its own defense.
We must disengage this nation from the international entanglements which generate foreign hatred of these United States, and are used as the excuse for terrorist attacks on America and its people. Constitution Party Platform: Terrorism and Personal Liberty
Any military force would have to be ordered and authorized by Congress.
We demand that never again shall United States troops be employed on any foreign field of battle without a declaration of war by Congress, as required by the United States Constitution."
Email to from Chuck Baldwin's Communications Director, Mary Starrett, on Aug. 11, 2008
None Found: emailed the Baldwin campaign on Oct. 14, 2008 with this question. We had not received a reply or found a position as of Oct. 17, 2008.
Pro: "I opposed the preemptive invasion of Iraq, and I continue to oppose the occupation of that country. I believe the Bush administration was untruthful about the motivations for going to war with Iraq and continues to deceive the American people to this very day."
"Strictly Personal,", May 9, 2008
Con: "No, nor would any other countries on the globe. As President, I believe that foreign aid is unconstitutional. I would eliminate all foreign aid, period. Including to Israel. I think foreign aid is harmful to our overall peace and harmony in the world... I do believe that our policies towards Israel over the last several decades have been more harmful than helpful for Israel... How are we being a blessing to Israel by arming and quipping and sending four times more foreign aid to her enemies than we do to her? ... The best thing the United States could do to help for Israel is to simply butt out of her business and let her take care of her sovereign affairs."
Email to from Chuck Baldwin's Communications Director, Mary Starrett, on Aug. 11, 2008
Not Clearly Pro or Con: "The US should not be involved or determining negotiations between foreign governments or organizations.
We must disengage this nation from the international entanglements which generate foreign hatred of these United States, and are used as the excuse for terrorist attacks on America and its people."
Email to from Chuck Baldwin's Communications Director, Mary Starrett, on Aug. 11, 2008
Not Clearly Pro or Con: "The US should not be involved or determining negotiations between foreign governments or organizations.
We must disengage this nation from the international entanglements which generate foreign hatred of these United States, and are used as the excuse for terrorist attacks on America and its people."
Email to from Chuck Baldwin's Communications Director, Mary Starrett, on Aug. 11, 2008
Not Clearly Pro or Con: "The US should not be involved or determining negotiations between foreign governments or organizations.
We must disengage this nation from the international entanglements which generate foreign hatred of these United States, and are used as the excuse for terrorist attacks on America and its people."
Email to from Chuck Baldwin's Communications Director, Mary Starrett, on Aug. 11, 2008
Con: "We are opposed to amending the U.S. Constitution for the purpose of defining marriage."
Email to from Chuck Baldwin's Communications Director, Mary Starrett, on Aug. 11, 2008
[Editor's Note: While Baldwin opposes a Constitutional amendment to define marriage, he does believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman as indicated on his campaign website ( which states: "Once elected you can be sure that President Chuck Baldwin will always give the American people the 'Real Deal.' He is a conservative who believes that the United States Constitution really is the law of the land and that marriage should always be between one man and one woman."]
None Found: emailed the Baldwin campaign on July 22, 2008 with this question. We had not received a reply or found a position as of Aug. 19, 2008.
Pro: "The federal government has no Constitutional provision to regulate or restrict the freedom of the people to have access to medical care, supplies or treatments. We advocate, therefore, the elimination of the federal Food and Drug Administration, as it has been the federal agency primarily responsible for prohibiting beneficial products, treatments, and technologies here in the United States that are freely available in much of the rest of the civilized world."
Email to from Chuck Baldwin's Communications Director, Mary Starrett, on Aug. 11, 2008
Con: "We will not advance, we will not tolerate, we will not accept any form of a national ID card. Free people do not have to check in with government officials and show them their papers! That does not work in these United States of America...
...We affirm the Fourth Amendment right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures, including arbitrary or de facto registration, general and unwarranted electronic surveillance, national computer databases, and national identification cards."
Email to from Chuck Baldwin's Communications Director, Mary Starrett, on Aug. 11, 2008
Con: "Conscription deprives a person of liberty without due process of law. This is clearly prohibited by the 5th amendment. Conscription is an involuntary taking of a person's labor-which is a form of property-without just compensation as provided by the eminent domain provisions of the 5th amendment. I oppose imposition of the draft, the registration law, compulsory military training or any other form of compulsory government service."
Email to from Chuck Baldwin's Communications Director, Mary Starrett, on Aug. 11, 2008
Con: "Absolutely not. Giving the President such authority would transfer to the Executive Branch significant control over the budget process, which is supposed to be predominately under the direction of the Legislative Branch."
Email to from Chuck Baldwin's Communications Director, Mary Starrett, on Aug. 11, 2008
None Found: emailed the Baldwin campaign on Oct. 14, 2008 with this question. We had not received a reply or found a position as of Oct. 30, 2008.
Not Clearly Pro or Con: "Only those duties, functions, and programs specifically assigned to the federal government by the Constitution should be funded. We call upon Congress and the President to stop all federal expenditures which are not specifically authorized by the U. S. Constitution, and to restore to the states those powers, programs, and sources of revenue that the federal government has usurped."
Email to from Chuck Baldwin's Communications Director, Mary Starrett, on Aug. 11, 2008
None Found: emailed the Baldwin campaign on Oct. 14, 2008 with this question. We had not received a reply or found a position as of Oct. 17, 2008.
Not Clearly Pro or Con: "I know that there are some among the Libertarians of our country that may be concerned that because I am a Christian minister I may try to use the office of the President to coerce people into worshiping the way that I would want them to worship, etc.,and nothing could be further from the truth."
"Chuck Baldwin on Atheisitic & Religious Freedoms," YouTube video (accessed Oct. 24, 2008)
Pro: "Social Security is a form of individual welfare not authorized in the Constitution. We support the right of individuals to choose between private retirement and pension programs, either at their place of employment or independently."
Email to from Chuck Baldwin's Communications Director, Mary Starrett, on Aug. 11, 2008
Con: "Only those duties, functions, and programs specifically assigned to the federal government by the Constitution should be funded. We call upon Congress and the President to stop all federal expenditures which are not specifically authorized by the U. S. Constitution, and to restore to the states those powers, programs, and sources of revenue that the federal government has usurped.
Under no circumstances may the federal government fund or otherwise support any state or local government or any organization or entity, foreign or domestic, which advocates, encourages or participates in the practice of abortion... In addition, we oppose the funding and legalization of bio-research involving human embryonic or pre-embryonic cells."
Email to from Chuck Baldwin's Communications Director, Mary Starrett, on Aug. 11, 2008
Pro: "Yes, they are a starting point. We favor elimination of the income tax and a return to reliance on excises, imposts, and duties as the primary source of revenue for the Federal government."
Email to from Chuck Baldwin's Communications Director, Mary Starrett, on Aug. 11, 2008
Not Clearly Pro or Con: "The US should not be involved or determining negotiations between foreign governments or organizations."
We must disengage this nation from the international entanglements which generate foreign hatred of these United States, and are used as the excuse for terrorist attacks on America and its people."
Email to from Chuck Baldwin's Communications Director, Mary Starrett, on Aug. 11, 2008
Con: "We oppose any attempt to call for a Constitutional convention, for any purpose whatsoever, because it cannot be limited to any single issue, and such convention could seriously erode our Constitutionally protected unalienable rights."
Email to from Chuck Baldwin's Communications Director, Mary Starrett, on Aug. 11, 2008
Con: "I want you to understand that the FBI used, under the rubrique [sic] of the PATRIOT Act, the laws that were provided in that act in order to spy and eventually to humiliate Governor Spitzer. But we were told, were we not? that the PATRIOT Act would never be used against American people. It was only designed to spy on foreign terrorists. I'm not defending Governor Spitzer; I'm trying to show you the dangers of giving unlimited, unconstitutional power to a government that does not have checks and balances intended by our Constitution and Bill of Rights.
The USA PATRIOT Act permits arrests without warrants and secret detention without counsel, wiretaps without court supervision, searches and seizures without notification to the individual whose property is invaded, and a host of other violations of the legal safeguards our nation has historically developed according to principles descending from the Fourth and Fifth Amendments. Since we will no longer have a free nation while the federal government (or the governments of the several states, as the federal government may authorize) can violate our historic rights under such laws, we call for the rejection of all such laws and the ceasing of any such further proposals including the aforementioned Domestic Securities Enhancement Act."
Email to from Chuck Baldwin's Communications Director, Mary Starrett, on Aug. 11, 2008