*This link goes to the FEC webpage showing a map of contributions to each candidate who has reported at least $1,000,000 in contributions from individuals. The number used for "Funds Raised" is calculated from the Form 3P (Report of Receipts and Disbursements) submitted by the candidates, and is shown on the lefthand side of the FEC map pages. It is the sum of contributions, loans, transfers, and other miscellaneous receipts, minus refunds and repayments. The FEC website does not have a map for Barr, Baldwin, McKinney, or Nader. Those candidates are linked to a page showing the individual donors to each campaign.
**The amount ProCon.org has listed for John McCain's "Funds Raised" is based on the amount listed in the left-hand column of the FEC's map of contributions for John McCain and not based on his Form 3P (see above). We chose to use this number due to the numerous Form 3Ps that the McCain campaign filed because they are using public financing.
Candidates Who Have Withdrawn or Who No Longer Meet Our Criteria:
(No longer updated as of May 6, 2008)
Funds Raised
Funds Spent
Amount Remaining
Disclosure Report Link
(alphabetical order by party)
(date last updated)
(click for report of assets, liabilities, and financial data)