A selection of our reader comments is provided below. We believe these statements are particularly relevant to our core question: "Which candidate would make the best US President?" or are pro or con our site.
We posted these pro, con, and neutral comments in the approximate ratio that we received them. (For example, if 60% of the responses received are "pro," then about 60% of the responses posted below would be "pro").
The comments are arranged in reverse chronological order -- most recent first. We sometimes edit comments for brevity, clarity, and spelling. We may also remove comments posted when we find better comments covering the same issues or for other good reasons. To preserve confidentiality, only the writer's first name is noted, unless he/she has waived confidentiality. Respondents are generally notified when we add their comments to this section.
Con Barack Obama - "I can not believe the fraud and corruption that is in this 2008 Presidential Election. It is ALL brought on by Obama and his 'brain-washied' people! Our fore fathers would be so disappointed in America if they knew what is going on in the country they called "'he land of the free and the home of the brave.' May God help us is my prayer!!" Shirley, Oct. 14, 2008
Pro Ralph Nader - "Dear Mr. Nader: I usually vote for the candidate I believe will most benefit the United States. This year I am having a hard time deciding so I have been doing my home work. I enjoyed reading your biography. Out of all the candidates I think you are the most capable candidate for getting our economy stable again. As Americans we are proud of our country. Our country has taken a turn for the worst since 09/01/01. It looks like we have enemies that have set goals to take this country out a little bit at a time and it seems that they are reaching their goals and we are moving backwards. Will you be coming to Ohio to speak? We need to hear more and see more of you." Robin, Sep. 30, 2008
Con Sarah Palin - "I want the Republican presidential candidate to know just how humiliated & appalled I am that hero that he was - he is such a single minded fighter pilot who happened to live through a really bad 8 years. How dare you try to foist a candidate whose entire background doesn't hold a candle to mine & who has no original ideas. Her entire state has about the same number of people as Pensacola - remember that? You want her to ever have the ability to send your grandchildren to war? Anyone can pop out a few babies - but she is so arrogant as are you to think she could make international decisions?" Joy, Sep. 13, 2008
Con John McCain - "My question for the Repub party is who really is running for President here, is it Sarah or McCain? Save your cheers for the Hockey Field! This is real work not practice! Nor is this a game show, this is the real deal...
I think it's selfish of the Republicans to nominate this man after all his contributions to the USA. He is not clearly well enough mentally nor physically to run this country..." Clarissa, Sep. 6, 2008
Pro Barack Obama - "I recently heard about your website on NPR radio and was very pleased after reading over it. However, I am wondering why you have not updated Senator Obama's position on public financing for campaigns: your website still indicates that Obama is FOR public financing while he recently changed that position. Despite being an Obamaniac myself, I would really like to see this addressed. I am a Professor of Political Science in Tallahassee, Florida and will not consider sharing procon.org with my students unless I am sure that it is truly as nonpartisan as it should be." Megan, Sep. 1, 2008
[Editor’s Note: ProCon.org has clarified Barack Obama's position on public financing. Sen. Obama supports, but will not participate in, public financing. Click here to view Sen. Obama's statements on this issue.]
Pro Sarah Palin - "I think John McCain picked a great VP. Barack O. does not have any experience compared to John Mc.- who both are running for president. The VP's will learn but the president should already know-Barack needs to put the experience thing back on the table." Marge, Aug. 29, 2008
Positive Feedback - "I really appreciate that you put forward the ideas of major third party candidates. Thank you." Timothy, July 27, 2008
Positive Feedback - "I'm very pleased to have been able to contribute in a small way to your extraordinary website. I believe that your website is demonstrably American democracy at its best!" Mike Dulberger, President of Informedforlife.org, Apr. 21, 2008 [Editor’s Note: Mr. Dulberger created an interactive survey on the candidates which he kindly donated to ProCon.org. The survey has since been refined, verified for statistical accuracy, and posted on our website at 2008 Candidate Survey. ProCon.org thanks Mr. Dulberger for his unsolicited and generous contribution to the website.]
Pro Hillary Clinton - "Thank you for your site, the pros and cons....it seems Obama, and McCain are not clear on a lot of these subjects. After viewing this site, I will vote for Hillary." Melissa Mar. 10, 2008
Positive Feedback - "Thank you so much for the invaluable resource. There is so much information in one place. I will be using your printable PDF of the candidates positions in my get out the vote effort this summer/fall. Thanks again for your well researched and cited information." Jennie Mar. 4, 2008
Positive Feedback - "Thank you so much for not only providing such a clear organized site about the issues of this upcoming election, but also for the links to various of your sites. I've included the link for your 'Which candidate would make the best U.S. President?' site on my MySpace page. Thank you again." Darla Jan. 29, 2008
Pro Ron Paul - "The Best Man for the Presidentcy- Ron Paul; He is much more the peoples party man and The Best Man for the Presidency- Ron Paul; He is much more the people's party man and I believe Ron Paul would bring more of the POWER back to the people. All of his policies make more sense and he has a better over all knowledge than the rest of the candidates. And what the country needs is to bring manufacturing, tech-knowledge, better education, affordable medical, a secure Social Security plan (not commercialized), affordable fuel (we are a mobile society), good jobs (driven by manufacturing) and a better fairer tax structure. What I see this is what Ron Paul is all about." Garrett Jan. 28, 2008
Pro Barack Obama - "If I can vote I will vote for Obama for all the good he is doing for the USA and his family." Kenneth Jan. 24, 2008
Pro Barack Obama - "I just joined Barack Obama's campaign for president. I know sometimes the political process seems impossible, superficial, and worse. But we're trying to change that. We're building a campaign of the people, by the people, and for the people. So please take a moment to learn more about Barack, and about the campaign I'm running with him. There's a place in it for all of us. He wants to stop the D.E.A. [Drug Enforcement Administration] raids in medical marijuana states." Todd Jan. 10, 2008
Con Barack Obama; Pro Hillary Clinton - "We've been hearing words such as Integrity, Charm, New Face, Energy, etc. for Obama, but where is his Experience? Hillary Clinton has a long history of national and world-wide political experience for over 20 years and will not have to study World Events 101. A successful and competent woman at our top political post will help get this nation out of its doldrums." Sophia Jan. 8, 2008
Pro Mike Huckabee - "PRO Huckabee for two main reasons; one abortion is murder, two marriage is between a man and a woman period, just commen sense. Also when will they get separation between church & state correct? It's original intent was that no one church could control the other 13 colonies churchs, and that State would not get involved in Church business...not the other way around. Separation of church & state dosen't keep church out of state business, but instead was intended to keep state out of CHURCH BUSINESS!!!! This is a Christian Nation and should start acting like it once again. God Bless & Forgive America!!!" Steve Jan. 4, 2008
Con Hillary Clinton - "Hillary Clinton as President would make most Americans puke. She couldn't keep her husband LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD HAPPY. How would she keep us happy. WE ARE JUST US CITIZENS. GOOD LUCK Hillary, go say Hi to Bill! You are a JOKE!" Darryl Dec. 26, 2007
Pro Ron Paul - "We favor Ron Paul. We need a President who actually takes his vow seriously, and he is the only one who has 100% of the time, voted Constitutionally." Armstrong Dec. 20, 2007